Primary Elections in Argentina

This Sunday, the PASO (Spanish acronym that means "Open, Simultaneous and Mandatory Primary Elections"), mid-term legislative elections, were held throughout Argentina.

In general, the Frente de Todos, the ruling coalition, won in six provinces. The opposition, represented by Juntos por el Cambio (Together for Change) and some local parties, won in 18 provinces.

These elections are held to define candidates for each coalition for the elections of next November 14.
On Sunday night, president Alberto Fernandez was the only speaker following the vote's results.





In this way, the President emphasized that (with regard to November's vote) "the campaign has just begun (...). I have two years of government ahead of me, I will not give up, and I humbly ask for your help. Let's go ahead and in November we will turn this story around".

For these primaries, more than 34 million Argentines were eligible to vote to define candidates for the partial renewal of seats in the Senate and the House.